1200 Mushroom Bags distributed among small scale farmers of R.S.Pura area
Sunday, October 16, 2022
In order to promote additional income for small farmers of Village Motey, R.S. Pura, 400 mushroom bags were distributed to them free of cost. Earlier, 650 mushroom bags were provided to farmers of Balachak and flora Panchayat. More than 1200 mushroom bags have been provided till date to farmers. The farmers were also made aware about the casing technique to be followed after 15 days and maintenance of required temperature. In order to double the income of farmers, awareness camps were organised in different panchayats to promote mixed farming among farmers which has resulted in generating the demand of mushroom bags.
Video Link >> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y9SfHbTSfGo